All about this project:
Summertime generally propels me into wanting to do something grand. Perhaps I'm trying to make up for all those summers when I was young that I stayed inside playing and didn't go on a wondrous trip hiking or something (my family just wasn't into that growing up).
Last year, I did summer of 5/7/5 which was an everyday haiku project. Much less threatening than anything that takes an actual amount of dedication considering one (and when I say "one" I mean "I") can spill out a haiku in a matter of minutes.
Back to this project: I started saying "Yes" to pretty much everything recently (no, not that...). I have spent the last couple years with often crippling anxiety that left me afraid to leave the apartment or do anything different or see anyone new. Luckily I was "busy" so most people believed that simple explanation of why I couldn't go to their birthday celebration or out to lunch.
There has also been a whole lot of static in my head the last few (10) years that I found very unhealthy ways to get rid of. All that stuff will come up soon enough. Luckily though I found writing, photography, and music which held me over for a while or at least took the edge off.
So firstly, this project is about words. Words I haven't spoken for years about struggle, about darkness, about fear. Words that make amazing songs that if you listen to you'll probably know more about me than my closest friends. Words that other people write and words that I write to get some of that stuff out of our heads. This is also about the Good News and those words that are forever changing my life.
Secondly, this project is about pictures. I completed a 365 project, I attempted a 52-week (and just gave up due to a lack of drive behind it) and I love my camera (named Amera). If you're curious I'll put it out there right now, I shoot with a Canon XSi and a 50mm f/1.4. I have a Canon Powershot ELPH 300HS that I use for video. If I could be invisible and shoot I would be the happiest person in the world. I love anything candid and photojournalist-y (I'm aware I'm just making up words now) mostly because I feel incredibly awkward posing people. I'll be posting pictures from shoots over the summer that various friends (mostly Anna Peters and Conner Allen) put together where I tag along, usually prancing through the fields and holding lots of gear and laughing a ton.
Thirdly, this project is about that wonderful melody that plays in my head. It won't be a huge part of this project, but I just know from experience that I can't go long without speaking/sharing music.
This project is mostly about God. I am overwhelmed by a relentless love that has taken over my heart. I want to share that more than anything.
So, "all the noise everyone else is making" is just a small reminded to myself that it's okay to make noise.
What I'll be doing:
Before this post just gets incredibly long (not that it hasn't already), here's what I'm doing:
1. Hopefully posting vlogs about topics to do with growing in your relationship with Christ and just as a person. Mostly, this is me learning to talk about God and how He is the ultimate source of my hope and peace while also learning how to talk after so many years of being silent. This is also bible-study 2.0 for myself.
2. Giving you an inside look into my daily-reading and journaling about God.
3. Posting pictures from the aforementioned photo-adventures with Anna and Conner.
4. Sharing words/lyrics/songs.
5. Giving shoutouts to amazing people who I want to recognize.
What You Can Do!
(Yes really, YOU)
Believe it or not, I am not the ultimate source of brillant ideas (crazy I know) so I would love it for you, my audience, to give me ideas on what to discuss or write about. Challenge my relationship with Christ (I'm probably not going to have the answers but I would love to try!). You can email me at madisonlmc@hotmail.com, facebook me, comment on these posts, comment on youtube, message me on tumblr, whatever floats your boat is good with me. You can ask questions, leave comments, be overly nosey, all is welcome!
You can also ask me things. I'm pretty much open about everything in my life now past and present and if you're curious, go for it. If anyone who stumbles across this needs some help or advice, I can give it my best (if you email it's super anonymous too just fyi) or point you in some good directions. Asking for help has literally been the best thing I have ever done and there is everything right in wanting help or wanting to ask for it.
Saying YES
Going back to the whole "saying yes" thing for a second, I really am not kidding. My schedule is crazy full with work and church/church activities and photo-adventures and so on and I will keep on packing it until I can't any longer. It is really incredible what happens when you just fully embrace the way that you're going to fail and embarrass yourself and just go for it. So this summer especially, I am consciously going for the "YES" attitude and not holding back.
This summer I want to push myself in all ways possible, and this is how I'll keep track.
Thank you for joining me on this crazy ride, and don't hesitate to contact me! I want some feedback :)
I have decided I have resolved to wait upon you Lord. My rock and redeemer shield and reward, I'll wait upon you Lord.
You'll Come // Hillsong United
You'll Come // Hillsong United
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